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Sunday, May 1, 2011

It's been a while!

Wow.. -dusts off blog-

Hi there. ;D

I'm just getting over a terrible cold, and my finals start tomorrow. ;__; I haven't really been able to study much in depth, but.. orz' I am about to start studying nonstop! -shot-

Remember when I said I got a Migidoll Ryu?~ By mistake, that is.

I sent him off to get a faceup recently, along with a Migidoll V. Miho that I snagged from the market place at DoA. (Yaay, I'm so glad I got him. ;w; And for cheap, too. -dies-)

I got the photos of their progress today and.. wow, is it bad to say that.. Ryu looks so much better than Miho? *A* I'm so happy that I got a Ryu now! Ilovehim! -dies-


And then.. there is V. Miho.. -shot- The sculpt that I fell in love with.. of course, maybe it's because the eyes are too big here / not in right. Not to mention, I wouldn't choose that wig for him. I hope that I can fix him up when he gets home. ;w;

..So yeah.. -shot-

I'm thinking that maybe this should just be my doll blog. =w=; Maybe I'd be more into it, then.

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