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Saturday, December 22, 2012

Luts KDF Winter Event head box opening~

Wow, that's a pretty long title.. 8D; -shot- I purchased this doll on a whim last month. orz' My friend on DoA, Mystck, also got the same sculpt, and I thought it would be fun to share a sculpt with her. ;v;/ The sculpt is also so cute lsdkfj I couldn't say no. -shot-

Teddy with the box. I should also mention that this is my first doll from Luts, though I've been eyeing them for a long time. D8 -dies- I am very impressed with the way they handled things - I may even order from them again someday. x'D
I'll let these next few images speak for themselves.

The Luts box is so pretty. ;v;

I got her on the romantic if that wasn't obvious by this point. XD -shot-

I chose to get the type A faceup for her.. I think it is the less popular choice, but it has such an earthy tone to it. ;3; It's great for her character~

So cute. ;3; I tried a few wigs on her, but I think she looks best in pink. ;v;

Aaand that's it! ;v; She's really adorable! I still need to name her and her clothes haven't arrived yet, but I can't wait to put this little one together.

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