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Monday, December 17, 2012

Sometimes being in this hobby is really stressful.. -dies-
As of right now, I am involved in a paging thread on DoA. No, I'm not the one being paged..but..
I commissioned a seamstress to sew some clothes for my Misora, Velvet. I believe I started the commission in October, and it is now December. I finally received a tracking number today, but it won't work. :/
I just hope that this all turns out okay. I spent a lot to get that dress made. u_u I can't even file a claim with Paypal at this's far too late for that.

In other news, I am trying to win SWITCH's Christmas lottery. ;v; I entered for their Christmas Box.. I kind of hope I can win! That would be so cool. u3u If I don't win..orz'' I've really been eyeing Hawa and Flint from Soom.

I suppose if I don't win the SWITCH box.. I'll put one of them on layaway..maybe.. -shot-

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