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Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Updates concerning my doll family

Hi, guys~ Some things have changed, as usual! I sold off some of my floating heads (Migidoll Noel and my new SWITCH Seoha) in order to purchase a plane ticket. uvu I'll be going to visit my good friend in Florida. I'm really excited! I've also decided to sell my first doll...a Blueblood Doll SE Draven. It's something that I swore I would never do. I found someone on FB looking for a doll - their first. My tastes have changed, and I figured why not sell Shim to someone that will play with him every day and make clothes for him? I am a little sad, but ultimately I am happy with my decision. I have a Little Monica Gloomy Sarubia head out for a faceup right now. uvu I can't wait to get her back! I also have a surprise doll on layaway.. I can't wait until he gets here! It'll be a while, though.. I put him on a five month layaway. =v=;; But yeah, there's that to look forward to!

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