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Thursday, July 24, 2014

I'm still alive!

Greetings, all!
I realize it's been much too long since I have posted here. Many things have happened in my life, and graduate school seems to take up much of my spare time now. I am much more active on tumblr, but I do miss having solely a blog for my dolls.

My doll family has continued to change quite a bit. I will make a list and post my current family, when I can. I have a LLT Vincent (I can't be without Wil!) on layaway, as long as a Soom Lilid, and a Soom Death Knight Shale (in the near future).

I don't even know if anyone cares to look at this blog anymore, but I digress. uvu

Here is a photo of one of my newest loves, a SC-Doll Char. Her name is Bijou.

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